
Information according to § 5 DDG:

Verlag Mental Enterprises
c/o Dr. Michael Nehls
Allmendweg 1
79279 Vörstetten



Website notes

Copyright notice / image material

Patrik Müller, Nadja and Sabine Nehls

Responsible for journalistic-editorial content is:

PD. Dr. Michael Nehls

Responsible for Webdesign and technical Support:

Information according to § 36 VSBG

In accordance with § 36 VSBG (Consumer Dispute Settlement Act – Act on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters), the operator of this website declares:

We are neither willing nor obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Copyright terms:

The layout, all graphics and photos as well as the text contributions are protected by copyright unless otherwise indicated. The legal copyright regulations apply. Changes are not allowed. The use or electronic processing of content of any kind is not permitted without the prior written consent of Michael Nehls.